Glass Links
Select from this list the kind of site on glass you want to visit
Take a quick look at your kind of glass on Angela's Target Searches
- save time and don't miss an opportunity even when you are busy! - CLICK HERE
Looking for a book? You can search the whole site from here:
- Australian National University (School of Art Glass Workshop, Canberra)
- Bournemouth Stained Glass (studio, international teaching centre, and shop)
- Creative Glass Centre of America (fellowships/glass courses, Wheaton Village)
- Creative Glass Seminar Program (in Switzerland, Austria or UK)
- Dudley College International Glass Centre (major glass centre in Brierley Hill, UK)
- Kalmar University Glass course, Sweden (application and glass course details)
- Pilchuck Glass School (major centre for study of glass making in Washington)
- Scientific Glassblowing Basics (comprehensive information on glassworking)
- The Sheridan Institute Glass Studio (glass education in Ontario, Canada)
- The Rocky Mountain Creative Art Centre (glass courses in Lakewood, Colerado)
- The Glass Furnace, Istanbul (residential courses in all kinds of glass work)
- University of Wolverhampton, BA Hons Glass (UK; University course/entry details)
- Antique Bottle Price Guides lots of books from Digger ODell.
- Antique Glass Guide (antique glass information & directory)
- Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass (promotes interest in contemporary glass)
- Avon Collectors' Lost and Found (information, links, and a message board)
- Belgian Glass in the 20th Century (great information, links, pictures)
- Black Lighting (shop with information and supplies for glass ID with blacklights)
- British Glass (Manufacturing and Research Assoc'ns information site; very useful)
- British Society of Master Glass Painters (stained glass artists & UK events)
- Carnival Glass Website (great pictures, links, information, clubs)
- Colin Terris Paperweights (information on Terris designs for Caithness Glass)
- Contemporary Carnival Glass (information on carnival glass 1950's to 1990's)
- David Doty's Field Guide to Carnival Glass (Carnival Glass reference site, with over 1600 pages and 4000 photographs)
- Decorative Arts Society (covers all Art Deco media not just glass)
- Dutch & Belgian Glass after 1900 (really great information)
- EAPG Glass (great information source on Early American Pattern Glass)
- Glass Australia showcase of Australian glass
- Glass Appriasal by Bill Geary (professional service by a glass artist & expert)
- Glass Encyclopedia (information about a very wide range of glass)
- Glass On Web (Flat Glass Industry information and resources)
- Glass Registration Lozenge Translator (date & identify English glass - great!)
- Global Overview of Flameworked Glass Art (history of lampworking & artists work)
- Goofus Glass Information Centre (great information, pictures and links)
- Historic Glass House (antique glass bottle information and sales, good articles)
- Historical Lighting Society of Canada (kerosene and early lighting information)
- International Guild of Glass Artists (extensive info & links for glass artists)
- Internet ArtResources (search for a gallery, museum, school of glassmaking, etc.)
- Loetz (Eddy Scheepers great information site about Loetz glass from Austria)
- Iridescent American Stretch Glass (by Dave & Renee Shetlar - great information)
- Murano Magic (great information site about Murano glass from Venice, Italy)
- MUSEE (reviews museums and art galleries from around the world)
- Museum of American Glass in West Virginia (a great information source offering reprints of old glass catalogues and glass information)
- National Glass Centre (Sunderland, UK. Huge visitor centre entirely about glass)
- National Glass Collectors Fair (great info about these UK glass fairs & much more)
- Old South Jersey Glass (history of 18th & 19th C. S Jersey glass & glassmaking)
- Pioneering Glass (Colin and Sue Brain's history of glass site; really great)
- PressGlas Korrespondenz (a wonderful source of catalog and historical data)
- R (advice & information for RLalique enthusiasts and collectors)
- Round Mountain Marbles (information and links for marble collectors)
- Scientific Glassblowing Basics (comprehensive info about glassworking)
- Society of Glass Technology (meetings, publications, library, promotes study)
- Stained Glass Biz (the home of stained glass! resources, events, chat, links, etc.)
- Stained Glass Photography (virtual museum of photographs of stained glass)
- Stourbridge Glass Industry (great info on glass places & events in Stourbridge)
- The Krys-tol Kabinet (rare source of information about Krys-tol glass)
- The Flamespreader (historical & technical info on kerosene & early oil lamps)
- The Glass Art Society (founded 30 years ago to promote glass arts worldwide)
- The Glass Encyclopedia (extensive on-line info on glass)
- Thistlewood Carnival Glass (network, articles, sales, links, questions answered)
- Tiffany Studios Resource Centre (Paul Doros's great Tiffany information site)
- Viking Art Glass (articles & info about Viking Art Glass)
- (identify your Whitefriars or Powell glass here)
- (art glass sites and information from around the world)
- World Wide Arts Resources (a "gateway to arts on the net", searchable)
- YANIV GLASS GALLERY (Exhibitions of Contemporary Israeli Glass Art)
- Ysart Glass (definitive Monart and Vasart information from Frank Andrews)
Articles from The Glass Museum On Line
Don't forget Angela's Target Searches
they do help - CLICK HERE
Other On-Line Articles about Glass
Colin and Sue Brain have a website with some great historical articles on Pioneering Glass.
Paul Doros (first Chrysler Museum curator) has a wonderful website about Louis Comfort Tiffany, Tiffany Studios and Favrile glass. There are links to numerous full-colour pictures and many articles:
Articles on Bottles
There are some really useful and interesting articles on glass from the 1950's onwards to be found on the Contemporary Carnival Glass Site.
Glass News provides some interesting articles about 'cartoon' glasses from past issues:
- 20-30-40 Society Inc. (Chicagoland Depression Era Glass Club)
- American Bell Association (for Bell Collectors of all kinds, including glass bells)
- American Cut Glass Association Inc. (extensive info on cut glass and the Association)
- Avon Collectors' Lost and Found Page (great links and message boards)
- Carder Steuben Club (new, independant, club for collectors of F. Carder's glass)
- Carnival Glass Collectors & Dealers (on-line group: info exchange, discuss, sell, exchange)
- Carnival Glass Collectors Association of Australia Inc (based in NSW, lots of articles, gallery etc.)
- Collector Online(extensive info on clubs, shops, books, news, & resources)
- Early American Pattern Glass Association (helpful information about Assoc'n)
- Fairy Lamp Club and Newsletter (articles, membership info, superb pictures)
- Fenton Art Glass Clubs (several clubs for collectors of Fenton Art Glass)
- Fenton Fanatics (database, catalogues, history, marks, colour codes, decorators)
- Fenton Finders of Greater Kansas City (FFOGKC) (local Fenton collectors site with gallery, sales, gala, newsletters)
- Fostoria Glass Society of America (lots of information for members)
- Glass Collectors' Society Inc. (Adelaide, S. Australia - excellent information)
- Heisey Collectors of America Inc.(well organised, links, info, & good pictures )
- Heart of America Carnival Glass Association (pictures, library, convention)
- Historical Lighting Society of Canada (kerosene and early lighting information)
- Insulator Collectors on the Net (masses of information on insulators)
- International Perfume Bottle Association (perfume & scent bottles, old and new)
- International Carnival Glass Association (great articles, convention, membership, news etc.)
- Land of Marbles - Marble Forum (identification; price guide; information; pics)
- Michigan Depression Glass Society (pictures; events; history; meetings)
- Murano Glass Society (internet-based community of Murano enthusiasts)
- National American Glass Club (information, pictures, lots of links)
- National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors (description, memb'p details)
- National Cambridge Collectors (well organised and informative)
- National Depression Glass Association (articles, information, up-to-date and helpful)
- National Fenton Glass Society (information about Fenton and glass sales)
- National Greentown Glass Association (information, links, news )
- National Imperial Glass Collectors Society (info'n, pictures, links. V. helpful)
- National Insulator Association (excellent articles, information, events, etc.)
- National Milk Glass Collectors Society (great pics, info & links)
- National Reamer Collectors Association (lots of info'n, some great pictures)
- National Toothpick Holders Collectors Society (membership/bulletin info)
- National Westmoreland Glass Collectors Club (Irwin, Penn; newsletter, meetings)
- Phoenix & Consolidated Glass Collectors Club (info & joining form)
- Rocky Mountain Bead Society (Denver: info on meetings, supplies, bead events)
- Salt Shaker Collectors' Society (antique and art glass; info & collection pics)
- Stretch Glass Society (a small but avid group; very helpful site)
- Tiffin Glass Collectors Club (extensive information, joining, meetings)
- Vaseline Glass Collectors Inc. (information, articles, pictures)
- West Michigan Glass Club (Grand Rapids; club news, links & information)
- Woodsland World Wide Carnival Glass Association (internet based carnival glass club)
- Westmoreland Glass Society (history, pics, club & annual convention)
There are always bottles for sale on eBay.
Click here to see the old glass Bottles for sale at the moment.
- Art Institute of Chicago (great art glass & paperweights, not yet on this website tho')
- Cleveland Museum of Art (Glass Today, an exhibition of American art glass)
- Corning Museum of Glass (New York, a huge resource on glass)
- Decorative Arts Museum, Spain (extensive old glass collection in Barcelona)
- Dorflinger Glass Museum (history & information. White Mills, Pennsylvania)
- Duncan & Millar Glass Museum (history, information, collectors club)
- Eye-Glass Museum (Italy; all you ever want to know on spectacles)
- Fostoria Glass Heritage Gallery (Fostoria, OH: history, information, exhibition)
- Habatat Galleries (major contemporary art glass exhibitions, great information)
- Heritage Glass Museum (Glassboro,US; interesting history of local glass)
- Historical Glass Museum (info, history, location, pictures)
- Horse Race Memorabilia Glasses (virtual museum; great information & pictures)
- Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark (in Ebeltoft, permanent glass display)
- Museu do Vidro, Marinha Grande, Portugal(info about the Museum of Glass, in Portuguese)
- Museum of American Glass in West Virginia (a great information source)
- Museum of Decorative Arts, France (Art Deco, Paris, in French and English)
- Museum of Glass, Tacoma (magnificent new museum in Washington,US)
- Museums and Galleries in Prague (Czech Republic museums and galleries)
- National Cambridge Collectors Museum (pics, info, events, history)
- National Heisey Glass Museum (info, collectors' club, history, pictures)
- National Museum of American Art (White House Collection of American Art Glass)
- Oglebay Institute Glass Museum (West Virginia, USA; information about glass museum)
- Ohio Glass Museum (Lancaster, Ohio USA. Lots of information about Ohio glass)
- Pasabahce Glass Museum, Turkey (Roman, Byzantine, European glass)
- Sandwich Glass Museum (Cape Cod, USA; info & great repro pieces)
- Stained Glass Museum (history, events, pics, located Ely Cathedral, UK)
- Swedish Glass Museum (Smaland; in English, covers 500 yrs of Swedish Glass)
- The Bennington Museum (New England, US; Pressed Glass Gallery)
- The Corning Museum of Glass (New York; activities, services, & exhibits)
- The Kelsey Museum Glass (Michigan Uni collection of middle-eastern glass)
- The Museum of American Glass(Millville, NJ; extensive & exciting)
- The Museum of Glass in Altare, Italy (tourist site with info about glass museum)
- The World of Glass (St.Helens,UK. Glass Visitor Centre near Pilkington's Glass)
- Walton House Museum (Centerville,US; >300 glass sauce dishes)
- West Virginia Museum of American Glass (Weston,US; extensive displays of WV glass)
- Back to our own Glass Museum on Line
Links to Glass Collectors' Home Pages
If you are looking for carnival glass
click here to see Carnival Glass currently for sale on eBay

- American Scientific Glassblowers Society (professional association)
- Art Glass 2 Glass Works (resources for fusing glass & for marble making)
- Draw Art Supplies Artlinks (supplies for artists in NZ, and lots of art links)
- Eastbay Color (CA, color rods & bars by Gaffer Glass & safety equipment)
- Etchall (glass etching products, gallery of users work, project ideas, tips, etc)
- Fantasi Laboratory (Sweden: wooden molds, blocks and glassblowing tools)
- Glass Art Society (professional association for artists in glass; very supportive)
- Glass Diversions (supplies for lampworkers; frits, shards, kits)
- Glass Lines Links Page (good place to locate other artists or supplies)
- Internet News Bureau (great place to get press releases publicised in one go)
- Pearson's Glass (incorporating James Hetley Stained Glass Supplies) (UK: advice, supplies, tools, & gallery)
- Kokomo Opalescent Glass (suppliers opalesc't & cathedral glass, great site)
- Learn Art and Stained Glass (instructions by master glass artists)
- Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Society of Glass Beadmakers (news, advice, etc)
- Olympic Color Rods (glass color rods and lots of advice, from Seattle, USA )
- Plimsoll Financial Analysis (definitive financial analysis for UK glass industry)
- Saint Gobain Quartz (Fused Silica Glass & Fused Quartz supplies)
- Scientific Glassblowing Basics (great information site about glassworking)
- Shattergard (protection film for glass & windows; used by museums, FBI, etc)
- Spa Mirror Company (London, England. Mirrors & glazing interior deco)
- Spectrum Glass (speciality sheet glass for glass artists; very helpful site)
- Stained Glass Association of America (professional ass'n, info, conferences)
- The Magic of Glass (Aurora stained, painted, etched, carved glass, +hints)
- The Stained Glass Web Mart (California: heaps of tools/supplies; search)
- Warner Crivellaro (Pennsylvania: stained glass supplies, tips, chat, info)
Some of the world's most beautiful glass was made by Galle -
take a look at Galle Glass currently offered on ebay (click here)
but remember that you need to use your judgement. Sellers are sometimes mistaken in identifying their glass.
- Antiques Malls and Multi-dealer Sites with Glass Shops
- Artists Studios selling Glass On-line
- Auction Sites selling Glass
- Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Victorian Glass On-line Sales
- Collectible Glass Sales from many places and eras
- Contemporary & Recent Glass On-line Sales
- Crystal Glass Studios, Galleries, and Factories
- Czech Glass On-line sales
- Depression, EAPG, Fenton, Carnival, Crackle, etc. sales
- English Glass on-line sales
- European Glass on-line sales
- Glass Beads sales on-line
- Glass Bottles Sales on-line
- Glass Factories and Glassworks
- Glass Marbles Sales on-line
- Glass Lamps and Lighting Sales on-line
- Italian Glass Sales on-line
- Paperweights sales on-line
- Unusual or General Glass Sales
- AboutAntiques.Com (search for an antique, information, dealer, etc.)
- Antique Networking Inc (huge directory of dealers, centres, information etc)
- ECEurope (trade directory for Europe; lots of glass suppliers links)
- My Antique Mall (5 NW US malls - over 16,000 antiques listed)
- (Australian Fine Art, Craft, Antiques & Collectibles)
- Petworth Art & Antiques Dealers Assoc'n (Best Antiques Town in the UK)
- (Australian antiques and collectibles portal)
- The Antique and Collectible Exchange (buy or sell, no commisions)
- Tudor Antiques Centre (Petworth, W.Sussex, UK)
Glass from Murano is very popular with collectors
Take a look at the Murano Glass currently offered for sale by others (click here)
- 20th Century Art Glass (from GAAntiques: Galle, Daum, etc.)
- Bill Banks Classical Glass(very extensive range of glass; lots of beautiful pictures)
- David Donaldson Antiques(art nouveau glass -Tiffany, Quezal, Durand, etc)
- Decoesque (MD, USA: 20th C European art glass, especially Schneider)
- DJL Lalique (specialises in glass by Lalique; superb pictures on-line)
- JW Art Glass(Loetz & other Bohemian and art nouveau glass)
- Le Chineur de Verre - Art Glass Finder (France; art nouveau & deco French glass)
- Lillian Nassau's Art Nouveau and Tiffany Glass Antiques (New York)
- Linda's Unique Antique Glass (art nouveau, art deco, Tiffany, Steuben, Lalique)
- Reyne Hogan Antiques (European & USA art glass - Loetz, Tiffany, Steuben)
- Severns (Tiffany, Steuben, Loetz, & art glass)
- Studio Glass Gallery, London, England (European Glass sculptures)
- Vintage Lighting (glass lamps and shades from 1880-1940; beautiful)
If you are looking for Art Deco glass -
see what's for sale on ebay (click here)
- 1st Glass (quality antique and collectible glass)
/* done to here */
- 20th Century Glass & Pottery (great art glass site, even has a sale on!)
- Art Mall of America (contemporary glass and other items by USA artists)
- Artisan Legacy Online Gallery (numerous artisans including Wes Hunting)
- Artius Glass (Contemporary UK artists - Isle of Wight; Jonathan Harris; Okra)
- Blockglass (internet studio site for a wide range of contemporary US art glass)
- Coast Collectibles (Monteray, CA, specialising in Lundberg glass)
- Crystal Mirage Gallery (Florida, US; perfumes, paperweights by top US artists)
- Deborah Skoyles Crafts UK (wholesale European perfumes, lighting, lamps, etc)
- Foster White Gallery (Seattle, major NW artists Chihuly, William Morris etc)
- Exit Smiling Gallery (Contemporary Art glass from around the world)
- Gallery Mariska Dirkx" (Netherlands contemporary glass sculptures)
- Glasgalerie Via Verde (near Leerdam. Contemporary & earlier Dutch artists)
- Great finds Online (on line sales of hand made small glass items & other things)
- Harington's (contemporary English & European art glass, Bath, UK)
- Holsten Galleries (Massachusetts, contemporary glass sculpture)
- Little House of Glass (Joe Hamon's paperweights, bottles, lamps & Cheryl's lampwork)
- Lucis Glass Gallery (contemporary studio glass)
- Mostly Glass (Gallery in New Jersey specialising in contemporary art glass)
- (Illinois, USA: range of contemporary art glass gifts)
- Not Just Mud Gallery (great site representing major US glass artists)
- Planet (mid-20th C & contemp'y glass from Scandinavia, Italy, USA)
- Planet Orang (50s 60s & 70s & Blenko glass, Mt Vernon, USA)
- (glass hyacinth vases from Germany, in German)
- Peter Raos (glass artist, beautiful pictures, inc paperweights, vases, perfumes)
- Sabino Glass (internet trader with extensive contemporary Sabino glass)
- Vetri and the William Traver Gallery (Seattle, innovative contemporary glass)
- Viking Art Glass (articles & info about Viking Art Glass)
- Antique Glass from the Drawing Room of Newport (great pictures)
- Atlantic City (carnival glass specialists)
- Backward Glances (Bob and Helen Jones's Depression Glass site; great photos)
- Becky's EAPG site (great information & pictures to identify/find EAPG glass)
- Carnival Glass from the Thistlewoods (promises to be a really good source)
- Classical Glass (beautiful pictures, opalescent, pattern, carnival, & want lists)
- Crackle Glass Mall (crackle glass by Blenko, Pilgrim, Gibson, new etc)
- Doghouse Antiques (all kinds of glass incl. Depression, Carnival, and others)
- Eclectic Shop (showcase dealer for Fenton; links to their Blenko shop & Gibson)
- Elaine's EAPG site (forum: buy or sell Early American Pattern Glass 1859-1910)
- Ernie's Fenton Showcase (current Fenton pieces at good prices)
- Family Antiques & Collectibles (Florida: wide range including glass)
- Fenton Glass E Store (new, limited edition Fenton Art Glass Showcase)
- Fenton Art Glass (Fenton, Carnival, & other glass made in USA. Evans,Georgia)
- Happy Memories Antiques & Collectibles (Depression glass, Fenton, & others)
- Hedge House (hand-crafted US art glass, Fenton, L.G.Wright, Westmoreland, etc.)
- Heirloom Gift Source (Depression glass, Degenhart, specialise in gifts)
- Jack Skaw's Glass Castle (Fenton and other art glass, great entertainment)
- Judith Katz-Schwartz Antiques and Collectibles (lots of great information)
- Lunar's Olive Pattern Glass Identification Guide (and much more! great pictures)
- Milbra's Crystal (Fostoria,all Elegant co's from the authors of Fostoria Stemware)
- My Glass Duchess (Seattle, WA; depression, elegant, kitchen glass; also adverts)
- Old Parsonage Antiques (depression glass, elegant, Fire King, Fostoria, Heisey)
- Puppets' Glass (Fenton Art Glass specialist on-line shop)
- Sandy's Glass Place (for all collectors of Fenton hobnail milkglass)
- Shop4Antiques (depression, elegant, Fenton, Fire King, A-Hocking, etc)
- Silver Maple Collectibles (Carnival,Fenton, Depression, and Opalescent Glass)
- Sparkle Plenty Glassware (depression glass, elegant glass, 40's-60's glass, etc.)
- Stackers Depression Glass Site (lots of glass for sale with pictures & info)
- The Glass Cupboard (Depression, Elegant, Fire King, 40's50's 60's glass)
- The Eclectic Shop (Fenton Art Glass specialists,Colonial Heights, VA)
- Westmoreland and More (Westmoreland, Fenton, Imperial, Cambridge, Heisey, Paden City, New Martinsville, Tiffen)
- Yesterday's Glass (all types old glass, including EAPG, Carnival, Depression)
If you are looking for Fenton glass, you can always find items on offer on ebay
- click here to see what there is at the moment
- Antique Glass (old English glass goblets, decanters & more, some European)
- Artius Glass (Isle of Wight studio glass; Jonathan Harris; Okra; -great site)
- The Glass Man (NE English pressed glass & other collectables; great pictures)
- Malagola (Whitefriars glass; circa 50's glass; Murano; and others)
- The Glass Parlour (mostly small glass gifts made to order, London UK)
- (history and Whitefriars glass for sale)
- Whitefriars Glass (wonderful site for Whitefriars glass of James Powell & Son)
- 20th Century Glass (European 20th C. glass, pottery, collectibles)
- Altex Glass (Dutch and Roman glass reproductions, site in Dutch)
- Art Forms (Italian, Scandinavian, & Studio art glass & folk art)
- A. Schurenberg Kunsthandel (Aachen, Germany, art nouveau/art deco)
- Aux Anneaux D'Or (French site for European art glass)
- (Murano art glass direct from Italy)
- CCAA Glasgalerie Koeln (German art glass gallerie)
- Crystal Palace Imports (MA, USA importer of Russian fine cut lead crystal)
- CutCrystal.Com(US importer of Czech & Russion cut crystal)
- Espai Vidre (gallery in Barcelona, Spain, devoted to art glass)
- European Glass (useful glass signatures for identification; plus sales)
- Finnish Gifts Store (Iittala Finnish glass, full contemporary range)
- Galerie Fred Bakker (Dutch glass gallery, soon to have an English version)
- Glasgalerie Hittfeld (near Hamburg, Germany, contemporary Czech glass art)
- Glasgalerie Jan Kilian (German site, wide range of glass 1850 to contemporary)
- Glasgalerie Zindel (Specialize in Scandinavian and Finnish glass from the 50s, 60s and 70s)
- Glashuis (Dutch site, glass from Leerdam & Maastricht 1920 - 1950)
- Joly Antiques (Belgian antiques dealer, 18-20thC European glass)
- JW Art Glass (Lotz and other Bohemian art glass)
- Lalique (information, advice & sales of R Lalique glass)
- Laliqueglass (Canadian gemologist, decorative arts dealer, specialist in Lalique)
- Leerdam Glass (Leerdam & 20thC. Dutch glass, from Netherlands)
- Midnightsun Design (Swedish art glass & crystal, extensive range )
- Maxi Outlet (Belgian importers of Russian blown glass, exporting worldwide)
- Okra Glass (beautiful art glass in classical designs from the UK)
- Phillip Wilson's Interim4u (Murano, English, Scottish glass and more)
- Retro Gallery (Italian, US, and Scandinavian art glass from the 50's and 60's)
- Sindelar and O'Brien Art Glass (European & US art glass 19th/20th C)
- The Loschs Collectors and Dealers (Murano, Finland, Sweden, 80s)
- The Northerner (Swedish, wide range including repros of ancient glass)
- WMF the Shop (specialist WMF shop in Germany)
If you are looking for Lalique glass -
click here to see what Lalique Glass is currently offered on ebay
Remember to use your judgement because sellers can sometimes make a mistaken identification.
Venini is the best known and most popular Italian glass maker
Click here to see what Venini Glass is for sale just now
Remember use your judgement of what is genuine.
If you are looking for glass paperweights there will be a wide choice on eBay
click here to see what there is at the moment
- A Piece of Glass (Stained Glass windows, lamps, pics; San Diego, USA)
- Eagle Nest Design (reverse painting on glass by Raymond T Brown)
- Fairy Lamps (Victorian & Contemporary Fairy Lamps: US based)
- Gabriela's Uniques (20th C. art glass, antique & contemporary, Fl, USA)
- Glass Art (paintings on glass, framed in wood, by Elli and Don Perkins)
- Glass Specialists Timaru (sheet/auto-glass, not our normal stuff, but NZ based)
- Globalwide Gifts (very wide range of glass figurines from around the world)
- Great finds Online (on line sales of hand made small glass items etc.)
- Ingrid and Guenter Staffa (art glass, china and books, from Germany)
- Knaresborough Glass (bevelled mirrors and glass in North of England)
- Precious Elements (hand blown glass oil candles & lamps, Texas USA)
- Reggie's Antique Ornamental Glass (unusual glass items eg Christmas lights)
- Southern Belle Super Antique Mall (vaseline glass, books, good pictures)
- 19th Century Lighting Company (Kerosene & Oil Lighting From The Victorian Era)
Select from this list (by clicking)
- Art Glass Studios
- Cast, Fused and Kiln-formed Glass Artists
- Crystal Studios and Factories
- Flamework and Lampwork Artists
- Glass Factories, Glassworks, and Commissioning Glass Co's
- Glass Paperweight Artists
- Glass Repairers
- Glass Tiles
- Pictures, Engraving, Etching and Paintings on Glass
- Stained Glass Artists
- 2400 Fahrenheit Art Glass (Michael & Misato Mortara from Volcano, Hawaii)
- Adam Aaronson (hand blowing studio open to public, central London, UK)
- Advanced Glassblowing Technologies (elegant handblown lighting & tableware: NZ)
- Alan Fox (superb irridized glass and gold leaf glass, Perth Western Australia)
- Alfredo Barbini (Italian maestro's hot glass studio in Murano, Venice)
- Allan Crynes' Battery Creek Glassworks (Victoria, Australia. Great cast glass)
- Ann Robinson (cast glass artist, New Zealand)
- (Venus Hot glass from Christchurch, New Zealand)
- Bishop Art Glass (Seattle, hot glass by Jeau and Stephanie Bishop)
- Blowzone Hot Glass Studio (superb hot glass from Stourbridge,UK)
- Bob & Laura Kliss (Kliszewski Glass, Hot Glass Studio, Fresno, CA)
- Bob Gent Glassworks (vases, ornaments, lamps & doorpulls; Kansas, USA)
- Bristol Blue Glass Company (UK studio; + James Adlington's Exmoor Glass)
- Carl Radke's Studios (California; makes beautiful jack in the pulpit vases)
- Chris Heilman (underwater murrini sculptures and more, in Portland, Maine)
- Cohesion Glass Network (network of glass artists in the North of England,UK)
- Colin Heaney (Australian artist making wide range of beautiful blown glass)
- Colin Reid (major UK glass artist; good pictures)
- Crystal Lotus Studios (Randolph Repass hot glass studio in Northern Ireland)
- Dale Chihuly (leading USA glass artist; super pictures)
- Dante Marioni (pictures, info & schedule for this great USA glass artist)
- David Belien's Studio Dao (Dutch glass artist, in Dutch)
- David Ruth (huge abstract sculptures, architectural, and hot glass work)
- Debbie Tarsitano (superb paperweights; arguably the world's best)
- Drew Fritts (hand-made glass marbles signed by the artist)
- Ed Pennebaker's Red Fern Glass (specialises in replicas early American glass)
- Emma Camden (New Zealand glass artist in cast glass, pate de verre)
- EM Studio Glass (Ellen Abbott/Marc Leva: cast, pate de verre, etched architectural)
- Erik Halvorson (New York; beautiful pieces many major works)
- Feel the Fire (hot glass & information from Lee Kind and Jason Wertheimer, USA)
- Fig Studios (Pittsburgh; Mike Mangiafico & Joelle Levitt: blown/weights/lampwork)
- Free State Glass .com (Lawrence, Kansas: hot glass studio vases/weights/perfumes)
- Fulton Parker Glass(hand-made limited edition art glass marbles)
- Gary Carlton's Glassegg (California, USA; unusual and beautiful glass site)
- Garry Nash, New Zealand (glass sculptures & vessels, great pictures, information)
- Gerd Kruft (German glass artist, large sculptural and prismatic pieces)
- Gerry Reilly (Melting Pot Glass Studio, Western Australia)
- Glasbläserei Heimbach (Horst Gier's studio in Germany, great pictures)
- Glass Artists on line (Lewis,Goodman,Hinojosa,& Darlington; NW USA)
- Heiner Düsterhaus (German glass artist -gold and plantinum decoration on glass)
- Heron Glass (John & Ian Thistlethwaite, Cumbria, UK; lamps, perfumes, etc)
- Hippoglass (Finland: art glass studio making mostly high quality business gifts)
- Isle of Wight Glass (UK: hand blown studio glass created by Timothy Harris)
- James Alloway Glass (Oregon, US: wide range of contemporary art glass)
- John Ditchfield (art glass reminiscent of Loetz, Tiffany etc: from UK)
- John Hamon-Miller (marbles, vases, lamps; in Hannibal, MO, USA)
- Jonathan Harris Studio (superb designs, long family tradition, UK)
- Jonathan Andersson (Artglass at Dean Farm Studios, Hampshire,England)
- Josef Marek (Czech artist, visiting professor in Japan; sculptural work)
- Kristin Gudjonsdottir's Sculptures in glass and other media (v. distinctive style)
- Larissa Masden (Brazilian glass artist, bowls/objects; site in Spanish)
- Laugharne Glass (silver overlay specialists, also iridized; in Wales, UK)
- Leatherbarrow Glass Studio (Robert Leatherbarrow's exotic bowls, Canada)
- Lino Tagliapietra (Italian maestro now based in USA, superb pics & info)
- Little Tree Family Art Company (Oregon, USA; amazing pipes)
- Magic Art (Germany; reproductions of historical shapes. In German)
- Marcoux Glass Design (Belgium: superb cast glass sculptures & jewelry)
- Marek Fisar Glass Gallery (San Francisco & Czech Rep. stunning work)
- Malcolm Sutcliffe Glass (Cornwall, UK; superb blown cameo vases, bowls etc.)
- Mark Selleck's Glass Impressions (lovely glass statues, pictures, information)
- Meltdown Glass Art & Design (Arizona: fine art glass in architecture & interiors)
- NeT-ArT from Italy (represents 65 Italian artists in several different media)
- Okra Glass (beautiful art glass in classical designs from the UK)
- Orka Glass (architectural art glass, commercial or residential, Virginia, USA)
- Paul Margerison (glass sculptures, near Milton Keynes, England)
- Peter Bremers (Netherlands: stunning graal-type vessels)
- Peter Greenwood (glass sculptures & vessels, stunning "lace glass", CT, USA)
- Peter Raos (millefiori glass artist inc paperweights, vases, perfumes)
- Peter Viesnik (superb glass artist, studio in Auckland, New Zealand)
- Phoenix Art Glass Studio (stunning art nouveau style by Carl Radke & Eric)
- Robert Held Art Glass (Vancouver, Canada: wide range studio art glass)
- Stefano Toso Art Glass Studio (Murano, Venice: includes historical information)
- Stephen Knapp (USA; architectural, sculpture, furniture; world-wide commissions)
- Stretch Sculpture (Kansas City,USA; glass sculpture wide ranging)
- Susan and Amber Pelish and family (Florida, USA; abstract glass etc.)
- Tarrha Glass (art glass by Chalkiadakis & Papadogamvraki from Crete, Greece)
- Val Carr (vases, pictures, unique metal surface decorations; Brentwood, UK)
- Van Glass Art (Dutch Studio in Amsterdam, art glass by Edwin Dieperink)
- Walter Lieberman (sculptures; glass painting; floaters; in Seattle USA)
- White Elk Studio (Marty's free-form hand blown glass in the Colerado mountains)
- William Akers Goblets (Seattle USA: stunning art glass goblets by William Akers)
- William Wertz (California; large glass sculptures; spectacular)
- Willow Creek Glass (WV, USA; gumdrops to vases & bowls from recycled glass)
- Ann Robinson (cast glass artist, New Zealand)
- Arts Kuranda (artists cooperative in Australia, inc.Terry Eager, Michael Scott)
- Avery Anderson Glass Art (kiln fired custom stained glass, Maine, USA)
- Bert Weiss Glass Studio (glass furniture, architectural commissions, NH, USA)
- Chimacum Glass Studio (Henner Schroder's cast glass scuptures, NW USA)
- Connie Pollard Melts Glass and Creates Beads (USA: great floral beads)
- Designs by Diacca (Wisconsin: fused glass & cloisonne by Pat Diacca Topp)
- Firework Studio (fused art glass by the du Charme family in LA, USA)
- Five Elements Gallery (WindHorse fused dichroic glass jewelry by Alison Thibault, ME, USA)
- Glass Orchids (fused glass & lamp work jewelry by Nancy Tang, USA)
- Harris Glass Studio (fused glass by Sandra Harris from Northboro, MA, USA)
- Glass Cat Jewels, Laura Dawson (Wearable Art jewelry -fused dichroic glass)
- L4L Fused Glassworks (wholesale handmade fused glass, Dallas TX, USA)
- lily b design (Lancashire, UK: tiles, tableware, architectural commissions)
- Matrix Design (Australia: cast, fuse, slump, print, etch, and sandblast glass)
- Meltdown Glass Art & Design (Arizona: kiln-formed fine art glass also architectural)
- Peggy Karr Glass (wholesale fused glass functional artware and gifts)
- Roger Nachmann Glassworks (stunning insects & architectural work)
- Shawn Atari (superb glass sculptures, Los Angeles, USA )
- Sheryl Glassmith Studio (kiln-formed plates, bowls; Adelaide, Australia)
- Able Trophies (crystal, art glass, and engraved custom awards)
- Algerd Crystal (hand crafted cut lead crystal from major glassworks in Russia)
- Crystallerie des Vosges du Nord (French crystal table glass)
- Cumbria Crystal (the Lake District, England: hand made lead crystal)
- Cut (elegant hand-cut crystal from Europe, on-line sales)
- Edinburgh Crystal (Scottish crystal glassware, from Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Kilkenny Crystal (superb hand-cut Irish crystal glassware, from Kilkenny, Eire)
- Sarah Manly Glass Art & Restoration (blown/cut lead crystal artist; Greenwich, UK)
- Sundrop Crystal (lead crystals to hang; from Stratham, NH, USA)
- Tutbury Crystal (English lead crystal tableware from historic glassworks)
- Tyrone Glass (Irish lead crystal tableware, from IBgifts, Ireland)
- Waterford Crystal (truly great Irish lead crystal, factory website)
- Andrew Firth (the Glassblower, Christchurch, New Zealand; "flamework")
- Bradley Jones (hot glass sculptures and lampwork, Missouri, USA)
- Brian Kerkvliet at Inspiration Farm (furnace and lampwork; great pictures)
- Celtic Glass (beads, sculptures, bottles & lessons; Wales, UK)
- Chris Buzzini (beautiful detailed paperweights; Oregon, USA)
- Ginny Ruffner (one of world's greatest lampwork artists, Seattle, Washington)
- Glass Temptations (glass figurines from Cairns, Australia)
- Guiseppe's Crystal Roses (glass roses and sculptures from Indiana, USA)
- Lampworkers Lounge (information, classes, supplies, forum)
- Lillie Glassblowers (Georgia, USA; long tradition of great sculptures)
- Glass Friends (hot glass cartoon animals make great friends!)
- Hand Sculptured Glass (lampwork from Strat McCloskey in Bear, DE, USA)
- Robert Mickelsen (stunning lampworked glass sculptural vessels)
- A Custom Engraver (custom engraving on all types of glassware; WA, USA)
- Blenko Glass (art glass factory site from Milton, W.Virginia)
- Boyd's Crystal Art Glass (over 300 colors of small art glass items; Cambridge US)
- Caithness Glass (Scottish glassworks specialising in paperweights)
- Contour Industries Inc (fabricate small glass components to order; TN, USA)
- Denali Crystal (crystal paperweights and dramatic sculptures to order; Albion CA)
- Dark Blue Ltd (from China massive range blue-cut-to-clear, decorated, or plain)
- Dartington Fine Crystal & Glassware (Devon, UK, wide range of brands/products)
- Das Jahrhunderthaus (glass miniatures, tableware & marbles: Lauscha, Germany)
- DesignGroupMexico (glass sculptures, in engraved and bevelled glass)
- Fenton Art Glass (history, catalogs, & info on this great US glass factory)
- Galplast Glass (miniature animal sculptures from Lviv in the Ukraine)
- Guardian Glass Tinting (glass tinting to client requirements, US based)
- Gepa (glass mostly tableware, massive range from Roumania)
- Gillinder Glass (Port Jervis, New York: history, guided tours, beautiful glass)
- Glamosa Glass Pty (lamps, vases, household glassware from S. Africa)
- Matrix Design (W. Brunswick, Australia: architectural commissions etc.)
- Moser Glass (Karlovy Vary, Czech Rep. - glassworks tours & museum)
- Northwood Art Glass (reproduction and new Northwood glass)
- Orrefors and Kosta Boda (Swedish glass works, in English, lots of information)
- Pilkington Glass (huge worldwide glass manufacturers, originally St Helens, UK)
- Rosso Glass (reproduction antique glass made from original molds)
- Rovirosa S.A. (Spanish glass lighting factory - v. wide range blown or pressed)
- Royal Glassworks Cz (Bohemia Czech - contemporary art glass & historical replicas)
- Sabino Art Glass (Texas company, Sabino glass from France, lots of information)
- Stellar Glass (glass wedding & Christmas ornaments & gifts - TN, USA)
- Steuben Glass (Corning, NY.superb on-line catalog of great crystal creations)
- The Glass Factory (extensive range of glass & crystal, several brands)
- The Soliver Group (Belgian safety glass for autos & buildings)
- Val St Lambert (in French, guided tour of this famous glassworks in Belgium)
- Venini Contemporary Art Glass (the original Venini company in Venice, Italy)
- Waterford Crystal (truly great Irish lead crystal factory)
- William Croxson and Sons: Bottles (UK maker of amazing bottles)
- Zellique Art Glass (Josef Morel's studio Benicia, CA - tours & classes)
- Bob and Ray Banford (son and father; Hammonton, NJ,USA)
- Chris Buzzini (beautiful detailed paperweights; Oregon, USA)
- Daniel Salazar (Lundberg Studios, Devonport, CA, USA)
- Debbie Tarsitano (superb paperweights; arguably the world's best)
- Denise Bélanger-Taylor (NZ paperweights and art glass)
- Paul J Stankard (integrates mysticism & botanical realism into his paperweights)
- Peter Raos (glass artist, beautiful pictures, inc paperweights, vases, perfumes)
- Peter Viesnik (superb paperweights, vases, perfume bottles)
- Ray Ansin (each tiny paperweight contains a garden of flowers)
- Rick and Melissa Ayotte (father and daughter, two superb artists)
- Studio 107 (Carolyn Pillans beautiful cosmic glass tiles; from NZ)
- A Custom Engraver (custom engraving on all types of glassware; WA, USA)
- A World of Glass (UK; hand engraved glass gifts, trophies, prizes to order)
- Bottlecraft (traditional glass painting plus metallic threadwork, sequins, beads)
- Cappy Thompson Painted Glass (superbly detailed painted glass bowls etc, USA)
- Custom Glass Etching (on crystal from Waterford, Val St Lambert, & others: LA)
- Daniel's Woodlands Glass Arts (etched glass, carved glass & stained glass)
- Eagle Nest Design (reverse painting on glass by Raymond T Brown)
- EtchCraft (etching, sand carving, kiln molding, air brushing; Vancouver, Can)
- Engraving by Paul Darlington (techniques, history, & gallery)
- Gerard Delafosse (near Paris: abstract paintings on glass; text in French)
- Glassart Creations (Fremantle, W.Australia: etching awards, trophies, & gifts)
- Glass Art (paintings on glass, framed in wood, by Elli and Don Perkins)
- Glassgraveren: Fransen(superb portrait & nature engraving on glass, mirror,etc)
- Goshaglass: Gosha Nagashima-Soden (beautiful hand-painted glass candle lights)
- Heath Art Glass (California, USA: amazing brightly colored African-theme figures)
- Jon Warren Lentz (sandcarved plate glass, abstract-modern & realism)
- Kersey's Glass Works (sand carved & kiln textured glass, Hayward, CA)
- Mathilda de CARPENTRY (Cote d'Azure, France: reverse painting on glass)
- Paintings on Glass (from Dan Smith, artist)
- Rizah Kulenovic Reverse Paintings (oil paintings of underwater scenes on glass)
- The Glass Picture (attractive animals, birds, people, by Linda Virgil)
- 1178 Designs (French in New York, widely acclaimed, unusual designs)
- A Piece of Glass (Jack Stained Glass windows, lamps, San Diego, USA)
- Artistic Glass of Atlanta (custom stained glass windows, doors, entries)
- Aura Glass Creations (Fiona Philip, Scottish artist with studio in Belgium)
- ElsaArtGlass (beautiful period style pieces by Sandra Mahle, USA)
- Gabriel Studios (Ca: Architectural stained glass by Gabriel, artist & painter)
- Genesis Glass Works (Indiana: stained glass by Steven & Aaron Kaczmarek)
- Glazam (UK commissions for kiln-fired, painted, stained, leaded, fused, etc.)
- Graham Mace (waves & rock faces in stain & sandblasted glass, Australia)
- Ian Hartless (Liverpool, England: dramatic architectural stained glass)
- John Alloway (N Z stained glass artist. Beautiful pictures. Love the tiger)
- John K Clark (glass painter in Glasgow, Scotland. Great stained glass work)
- Laraine Jablon's Whimsical Windows (you have to see these delightful windows)
- Light Katchurs (leaded & stained glass by Lisa Katchur, Montana, USA)
- Mike's Stained Glass (tips, photos, & sources on stained glass from Mike Savad)
- Otago Stained Glass (stained glass lamps, windows, commissions, & training in New Zealand)
- Paolo Corpetti (Rome, Italy; stained glass artist; interesting site in Italian/English)
- Powell Brothers Glass Art (stained & leaded glass studio in Salt Lake City, Utah)
- Shiela Dixon - Stained Glass Artist (great pics incl. Tiffany, extensive catalog)
- Tosho's Stained Glass (great pictures of this Dutch artists Tiffany-style glass)
- Transparent Dreams (Mark Stine humor/skilful stained glass; Denver, US)
- Wildwood Studios (stained, etched & carved glass: Ozarks,US)
- 1: Top flight deals

- Acuvue contact lenses: If you need contact lenses,
you can buy Johnson & Johnson contact lenses from Just Lenses for a great price. They also sell other top brands like Bausch & Lomb - worth a look.

- Activ'art Journal (French site for contemporary painting & sculpture)
- Agora Gallery (contemporary art gallery in Soho, New York; invites portfolios)
- Angel Antiques(French & English antique furniture, Petwort, UK)
- Books on Cats (the easiest place to find a good book on cats)
- Brownrigg Interiors (antiques for interior design, Petworth, UK)
- DayLily-Garden-Perennials (beautiful flowers, pics & information)
- Fred's Furniture & Antiques (Michigan: 120,000 sq.ft. of antiques & furniture)
- things for your home: lamps, clocks, candles, shelves, etc.)
- InterArt (replicates paintings and does portraits)
- New Zealand Links & Resources (mkiwi directory of NZ websites)
- (Australian Art, Craft, Antiques & Collectables)
- Salvatore Ventura (artists site)
- Subway Stamp Shop (stamps for collectors)
- Bowey Cats's Homepage (cats for cat-lovers)
- Wish Pearl (beautiful pearl gifts)
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